I am SO excited to be sharing this project with you! Kellie over at On the Brink of Something Beautiful has started something awesome: a year in lists. One list a week for an entire year. Participants can link their lists to her blog, or post them in the flickr group. Every Sunday, Kellie or a guest blogger will post a prompt for that week's list. Some of them will be single-day lists, while others may be things you want to ruminate on and add to all week. For that reason, I will be posting my lists here every Saturday, at which point I will declare them "finished." :) I only found out about the challenge (which began on June 5) last weekend, so I did my first two lists in one day. If you haven't heard about this project yet, we're still only halfway through Week 2, so you've got plenty of time to jump on in!
Week 1: "Today I will..."
Enjoy the rest of your week! :)

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